Hi guys,

You have came to this page, it means you have tried to download something from this blog. But I want to inform you that there is a short and very easy process before starting download files from this blog. Follow this simple steps to get your download link.

STEP 01:

Click on "DOWNLOAD" Button.

STEP 02: 

It will take you on a New page. Wait Here 3 Seconds.

STEP 03:


After Waiting 3 Seconds, Scroll Down the page. And Click on "GET LINK"

STEP 04:

And Boom You have got your file in Google Dive. Download & Enjoy.

You can watch this video tutorial also to understand better.


01)Sometimes it can ask to give Location access, Simply deny it.  

02)After Waiting 3 Seconds, Click on the Get Link Button As quick as possible. Otherwise maybe it will take you to the another page.

